Bone tissue augmentation and restoration

Bone augmentation or osteoplasty is the restoration of atrophied bone in the upper and lower jaws. Osteoplasty is most often performed during tooth implantation.

Causes of bone atrophy
The human body is so intricately structured that all its components, from miniature blood vessels to entire organ systems, resemble elements of a complex puzzle. However, if even one element is inactive, the harmony is disrupted. For example, if a tooth is removed and a new artificial one is not installed, then after just 6 months, the process of bone atrophy begins where the tooth was removed! The reason for this process is the lack of chewing load. The bone, penetrated by a network of tiny capillaries, ceases to function in the area of the missing tooth and decreases in size. Bone loss negatively affects the functioning of the entire maxillofacial system. It is practically impossible to visually determine bone atrophy in oneself, so it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible if there are missing teeth.

Indications for bone augmentation:

  • insufficient bone for tooth implantation;
  • bone restoration in cases of severe periodontitis;
  • injuries to the maxillofacial system.
  • Osteoplasty allows to halt bone loss using various methods and types of bone material.

Types of bone substitute material

  • patient’s own bone – autotransplants;
  • donor bone – allografts;
  • bone of animal origin – xenografts;
  • artificial material – alloplasts.

Of all the bone substitute materials, preference is given to the patient’s own bone, as this material is completely biocompatible and identical in composition to the patient’s bone.

Bone Augmentation and Restoration

  • Experience. At the EOK clinic, implant surgeons have performed numerous similar operations. Therefore, complex clinical cases only add determination to achieve a positive treatment outcome.
  • Predicted successful operation outcome through 3D treatment planning involving: surgeons, orthopedists, gnathologists, orthodontists, hygienists, and therapists.
  • Absence of repeat surgical intervention due to the use of the revolutionary Swiss technology Geistlich Bio-Oss, which allows bone grafting using thin biological membranes and self-dissolving pins.
  • Observation after the operation in our clinic is a rule to maintain excellent treatment results for a lifetime.

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