Prosthetics for complete absence of teeth

Losing a single tooth disrupts proper food intake, alters speech, and distorts the facial proportions. Complete tooth loss magnifies these inconveniences many times over, depriving natural joy from social interaction!

EOK Dentistry has a full range of solutions to address this complex issue. Based on the individual health condition of each patient, bone tissue, and gums, an individual prosthetic method will be proposed.

We offer 2 solutions:

1. Non-removable restorations supported by implants in the case of complete tooth loss on one or both jaws.
This is the most preferable method, allowing for the complete restoration of chewing functions, restoring self-confidence, and an attractive smile. To achieve the most reliable, guaranteed, and durable result, we strive to place implants in the area of each missing tooth. This approach confidently predicts lifelong stability of both the implants themselves and the surrounding tissues (periodontium). German implants have a high degree of osseointegration (integration with bone), biological compatibility, quickly stabilize, and have an unlimited service life. After the artificial roots are implanted, the doctor installs single crowns or bridge prostheses;

2. Removable dentures on implants.
The implantologist implants 4 titanium roots. Then, a removable orthopedic structure (removable denture) is attached to the artificial roots. It is easy to care for removable dental prosthesis, removing and putting it back on without the assistance of a doctor.

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